Reflection 2: Academic Integrity

 In this activity, Dr. Hollena had shown to us the PowerPoint of academic integrity. In the content of the PowerPoint, I have learned a lot. Firstly, I have learned the importance of writing and information skills in the academic world. Besides, there also had some rules for academic writing. For example, one of the basic rules is we must have clear and succinct writing. Also, one of the important rules in academic writing is we cannot use the first person in academic writing, for example, I and my. We can use the third person only in our academic writing.

  Besides, I also learned about plagiarism. Plagiarism is the use of the vocabulary or thoughts of someone else without due acknowledgment. To avoid plagiarism, they can be paraphrased or outlined when you cite someone's thoughts. There are seven steps to avoid plagiarism. one of the steps was that we must cite our source.

  Apart from that, I also learned presentation skills. During the presentation, everyone must be faced with the same situation, fear. This may cause some problems with the presentation, such as we suddenly forget the things that we had prepared during the presentation. This would make shame to us. Therefore, to achieve an effective presentation, we must be confident and relax. There were some presentation tips that I think useful to me, which were smiles and notes.

  After the PowerPoint presentation, we proceeded to the criteria of academic writing skills and frequently used shortcuts. For criteria of academic writing skills, I think the most basic things for me were how to creating, naming, and saving our document, formatting, and also line spacing. Because as a university student. assignments were the basic things in our daily life. The assignment often emphasizes formatting and line spacing. For example, we often used Times New Roman for font, font size 12, and line spacing 1.5 in our assignments. Now I talk about frequently used shortcuts. there were many of them, I just take an example that I often used. if you want to copy, u can just press Ctrl+C on the selected content. After that, you may paste by press Ctrl+V. Besides, if you want to exit full screen, u can press Esc.

  At the end of the class, Dr. Hollena also reminds us to do the exercise, it was about to edit the article Covid-19's impact on the atmospheric environment in the Southeast Asia region. The instruction was given. Below was the exercise after edited.

Academic Writing was really important in our study life. I will work harder to achieve my goal in the future.


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