My Profile ^.^


First...let me

Introduce Myself :)

Below are my personal details~

Name:                Yap Tai Leong

Date of Birth:     31 January 2020

Race:                  Chinese

Hometown:         Bintulu

State:                   Sarawak


 I am currently an undergraduate student studying Resource Biotechnology (Bachelor's Degree) at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas). I'm 20 years old.The purpose that I create this blog is to make an e-portfolio needed  by my course, PPD1041 Softskills and Basic Volunteerism. This blog will includes my student profile and self-reflection on the course.


2020:          Bachelor of Resource Biotechnology with Honours

2018-2019: SMK Bintulu( STPM)

2017:          SMK Bintulu( SPM)

Now, Let me introduce about...

My Family 👪

Family member:         6

Number of Siblings:   4 

My father is a cold storage company worker while my mother is a teacher. I have one elder brother and two younger sisters. My brother is a college stundent study at Methodist Pilley institute and my two sisters are students study at SMK Bintulu.

Now, let me talk about my...

Work Experience 💬

Dec 2012:                   Coffe shop, work as waiter 

Nov 2015-Dec2015:   Bubble tea shop, work as staff

Jan 2018-APR 2018:  Mobile store, work as staff

Jan 2019- May 2019:  Convenience store, work as staff

If you want to...

Contact me📱

Personal email:

Student email:

Tel: 011-26425077

Instagram: yap4179


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